3/11/2008 Halloween 2008 萬勝節活動事件
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Halloween 2008 萬勝節活動

  • 增加新任務位於 Yew 法院: 談話於 Jasper 及閱讀桌子上書本。
    • 可以完成於 Felucca 或 Trammel
    • 每一個程序都是必須及連續的,少了一個程序也不能完成任務。
    • 每個角色只能完成任務一次Event can be done once per character
    • 參加的角色必須有 15 天角色年齡 (除了 Test Center)
    • Khaldun 卡盾地城會將臨時設立於崔美爾直至任務時期完結 (17/11/2008)
      • Shadowfiends 現有吸取生命的攻擊。
      • 卡盾地城的生物一般地提高屬性及 HP 。
      • 輕微提高生產率 Shadowfiends, Spectral Armors, 及 Zealots
      • 注意:Shadowfiends 及 Spectral Armor 會放下戰利品於地上。
      • 注意:玩家不能復活於卡盾地城內。
  • 新 Trick or Treating 獎賞
    • GM 乞丐將有新獎賞。

Trick or Treat

在各農田上上,都會長出萬聖節南瓜,上面刻著GM的名字,有 Jack O Lantern 字樣的可以當成氣油彈使用,有很低的機率會長出黑色的南瓜,而黑色南瓜扔掉時有5格火炎範圍。

只要對著npc說 "trick or treat" 然後把游標指向npc,這樣就可以向他拿糖果/物品,但有很低的機率拿到特別食品(妖精及討乞技能時有輕微提升出現特別食品機率),不過可能糟到報復....

2008 Halloween 普通糖果/物品 (98%)
Giant Pumpkin Muffin  
Candy Corn  
Pixie Stick  

2008 Halloween 特別糖果/物品 (2%)

Creepy Cake   
Punpkin Pizza   
Mr. Plain's Cookies  
Harvest Wine   
Murky Milk   

Small Web (須要 Beggar 乞討技 100)

* 即死 -65000 hp
* 被變身成為怪物
* 角色消失於黑色畫面中
* 沒有受傷的出血
* 奇怪聲音干擾
* 被自己分身攻擊

Halloween 2008 萬勝節任務

從新聞員得知將有死亡的生物會出現,那麼我們到 Yew 的 Count House 法院找 Jasper the Inspector,看看玩家有什麼可以幫上忙。

找到 Jarper ,他說我們可看桌子上的日記了解或直接和他對話,玩家可以直接按綠色日記或問他以下字眼:

Assist - Much appreciated! This is in fact a double investigation: the death of Leoric Gathenwale and the unholy beings invading us.

  • Leoric - From what we've gathered of his journal on the table, the silly man went on a foolish quest which eventually caused his demise.
    • Journal - We believe the unholy presence in our graveyards are somehow linked to Leoric and the journal seems to provide at least some clues.
      • Graveyards - Moonglow, Cove, Britain, Vesper, Jhelom and Yew are all being invaded.
    • Demise - He disappeared for a few days and returned about a week ago, completely changed, acting crazy.
      • Changed - His neighbors had become quite frightened of him. Then last night, he barricaded himself inside his house then set it on fire.
        • Frightened - They would find him wandering, ragged, covered in blood and mud. At times his voice and his features would change.
        • Barricaded - He boarded the doors and windows, shut as if to prevent something from getting out, then he set the house on fire.
        • Fire - It completely ravaged the house. This journal is all that we managed to salvage.
  • Unholy - Skeletal Liches, Spectral Armors and Cursed Souls are now plaguing us, it cannot be a coincidence.
    • Coincidence - These creatures are only known to dwell in Khaldun, yet they started appearing throughout the land just after he reopened the Tomb?
      • Khaldun - A most foul place. It lies in the Lost Lands, west of Minoc Cave.

看來事件是和卡盾地城有關的,但先到城市了解有什麼不神聖東西入侵。那麼大家可前往到 Britain,Jhelom,Vesper 等有墓地的城市,在墓園裡發現一些入侵的生物有:

Cursed Souls, Shadow Fiend of the Unseens, Spectral Armors 及 Skeletal Lich


Vampire Bat


Conjurer's Grimoire

Magery +15
Undead Slayer
Spell damage +15
Mana Cost -10

(從 Skeletal Lich 獲得)

Conjurer's Trinket

Weight 1
Undead Slayer
HP Regernation 2
Hit Chance +10
Weapon Damage +20

(從 Skeletal Lich 獲得)

也發現墓園裡有一支骨頭柱子 Skull Totem。

在墓園裡殺死 Skeletal Lich 可自動在背包獲得 Cursed Parchment 咀咒羊皮紙

接著我們可動身前往(菲盧卡或崔美爾)卡盾地城,任務期間,崔美爾大陸會出現同入口的卡盾地城,直至任務完結為止。提示:可參考本站 地圖系列 - T2A 出入口圖

進入地城後首先找出綠色位置的牆壁畫,使用 Cursed Parchment 咀咒羊皮紙刻印, 可得到 Wall Carving Etching 蝕刻牆畫。 依上圖刻出及集合了 9 個蝕刻牆畫,雙按後會成為 Cursed Tome 咀咒書

另外圖中有 2 本綠色日記的牆壁是連接傳送點 LV1 <-> LV2

帶同咀咒書前往 Blood Pool 血池,雙按書在血池,經染血後,書本變帶有密碼的血書。

前往地城 (紫點) o位置雙按那個黑洞,會轉送到地城中心,見到一個祭壇,在祭壇附近說出 sarcophagidae
,會召喚 Dark Guardian,不用怕不用戰鬥的此刻,可問他以下字眼資料:

  • Guardian - I am the keeper of knowledge of the Keepers of the Seven Death.
  • Keepers - The servants of Khal Ankur in whose glory this tomb was erected.
  • Leoric - He was a fool to think he could take back the souls belonging to Khal Ankur.
    • Khal Ankur - Our most fearsome leader who taught us the beauty of death and sacrifice.
    • Souls - The only soul he took with him was also the source of his downfall.
      • Downfall - Blood is thicker than death. I guess Lysander wanted to be better acquainted with his grandson.
        • Lysander - A most devious resident of the Tomb. He's had a rather busy week. *chuckles*
          • Devious or Busy - He's behind the Skull Totems that have appeared in your graveyards.
            • Totems - Until they are destroyed, they will continue to raise cursed creatures.
              • Destroyed - Only a very powerful substance in large quantities could destroy them.
                • Substance - The creature that yields it has gone into hiding.
                  • Hiding - Search what's left of Leoric's house and with luck you might detect some hidden clues within the rubble.
                    • House - What's left of it can be found on the outskirts of Jhelom.

有了新消息,是要到 Jhelom 外圍調查。到了Jhelom 往東北走,不難找了這個 Leroric 的爛屋。

在書架底找了本日記, 閱讀它吧,知道了 Leroric 曾協助怪物 Sicarii 及能解咒的 Skull Totem 骨頭柱子。接下來便是要找出 Sicarii 這怪物下落。看來卡盾地城應該有關係。

返回卡盾地城到地圖 Sicarii 的魔法陣位置, 說出密碼 Sicarii ,那麼玩家便會被傳送到 Sicarii 怪物的藏身地區,這裡應該是 Wrong 地城某一個房間,內裡佈滿蜘蛛網,過了一會,閃光一道,Sicarii 大蜘蛛便出現了,牆壁四周也會定期出現 Death Spiders, Drones。

Sicarii 攻擊很利害,會吐繭,刀斬是會出現Death Spider仔,最麻煩是會放蜘蛛網麻痺玩家,一不小心會被殺。
齊合大家之力消除妖魔後,每角色初次在背包自動獲得 Venom Sac 及 Spinneret,另外可在 Sicarii 身上有可能得到 small/medium Spiderweb 小/中蜘蛛網或 Gossamer 蜘蛛絲。

另外 殺死 Death Spiders, Drones也可獲 Gossamer 蜘蛛絲

只要集齊 10 個 Gossamer 蜘蛛絲 加上 Spinneret ,雙按可換得家居裝飾 A Spiderweb deed 大蜘蛛網契約,有向東向北方向。

最後,依 Leroric 的日記所說,前往墓園,只要一定數量的玩家使用 Venom Sac 在 Skill Totem 骨頭柱子便可以破壞它。(但不要破壞較好,要考慮其他玩家未完成或未接觸任務)

著者 : 大魔導Alan

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